Confession: I HAVE TOO MUCH YARN! Ya want some? I’ll be giving away some yarn from my stash to 3 lucky winners!

You can earn up to THREE entries! Leave a comment below (mandatory) letting us know what’s your favorite thing about summer, sign up for my email list (if you already subscribe, just let me know the email address you used), and follow me on Instagram (if you already do, just let me know your IG username)! THREE winners will be picked on 8/8/19!
I will be using the email address you enter into Rafflecopter to notify the winners. Winners must respond to my email within 24 hours or the prize will go to the next participant.
Thank you for supporting my small business! Every like, comment, share, and purchase means so much to our family!
My favorite thing about summer is being able to walk outside in flip flops without having to spend 10 minutes bundling up!
My favorite thing about summer is hanging out with my littles all day long and watching them enjoy being kids.
I’m a fish so I LOVE summer because of swimming!!
Love the longer day
. Loads more outdoor activities…even bringing my latest yarn project along…sitting in the shades
To be honest I particularly hate summer. I cannot stand the heat and there’s only so much you can do to stay cool. If I must say something good it would be that my son doesn’t have to go to school. I don’t need to worry about him getting up on time and whether he made it on time because of public transportation.
My favorite is about summer is the ice cream shops being open.
My favorite thing about summer is the family BBQs and beach or lake trips. Especially when I can take my yarn too! In
Enjoying my warm family, warm projects, warm weather, any relief for my arthritis exclamation my projects help to help my arthritis too!!
My favorite thing about summer is getting to spend more time with my grandsons!
The best thing about summer where I live in FLA is most of the tourists are back up north. We get to enjoy the beach and our town without the crowds.
My favorite thing about summer is longer days.
My favorite thing about summer is flowers in my yard!
My favorite thing about summer is going on trips with sons and granddaughters. I also enjoy the challenge of seeing how many hats I will accomplish for the crochet group.
My favourite thing about summer is spending as much time as possible in our swimming pool
My favorite thing about summer is knitting on my deck in the sunshine! ?
I Love flip flops & shorts & sundress’s, and walking thru my creek!
I love to garden and home grown summer vegetables are the best!
Not having to put on layers to walk outside. Seeing kids out and about.
My favourite thing about summer is out walking in the woods and hearing the birds singing happily.
My favorite thing about summer is the warmth and not having to bundle up before leaving the house!
Email used is:
Following on Instagram: Mlnobile3464
Swimming! Lakes are the best!!!
This summer my favorite thing is mu first gardening venture. Miss Brown fingers…me…finally have veggies growing!
Summer is my favorite season. Swimming, gardening and just playing.
Swimming, sunshine, longer days, fresh vegetables. Summer is just more enjoyable.
My favorite thing about summer is all the fun I can get in to with my little wild and free child. She’s such a joy. We love pool days.
My favorite thing about summer is schools out and I can spend vacation time with my grandkids. I get to enjoy them because during school they’re too busy
My favorite things about summer are swimming, birds singing, doves cooing, flowers in bloom, frogs croaking, wild turkeys in the back yard, vacations, longer twilighrs, warm sunshine, cookouts, drive-in movies, county fairs, exploring God’s creations …
Love the longer day
. Loads more outdoor activities…even bringing my latest yarn project along…sitting in the shades
My favorite thing about summer is watching my garden grow 🙂
My favorite thing about Summer is Church picnics and crocheting for Christmas. I love to stay indoors most of the time and CROCHET AWAY
Just being able to walk outside in the grass without my shoes on. It brings back memories of younger days when there was not so much chaos in the world.
My favorite thing about summer is the blue skies and warming my cold feet in the sun.
Summer is a time spent with grandkids. Teaching them crafts. Getting patterns ready for winters cold days that will be spent in the house making gifts for loved ones and decorations for the holidays.
Gardening and Shark Week!
I love how long it stays light and how early it gets light in the summer, and patio knitting! ?
My favorite part of summer is hunting for sharks teeth at the beach.
I’m already subscribed, following, and loving it!
My favorite part about summer is having more time with my daughter.
Longer days and more sunshine!
So many things to love about summer! But I truly enjoy the warm weather with long sunny days! Being able to enjoy outdoor activities with my kiddos is the best!
My favorite thing about summer is spending time with my boys as we are all off for the summer.
Happy to help you destash!!!
Favorite thing about summer would be kayaking with my family and camping.
My favorite thing about summer is sleeping in! The flexibility of all our schedules because we don’t always have to be up and going everyday!
I love summer because no heavy clothes and it’s SANDAL time. Crocheting at the coast or up in the mountains.
Summer is my favorite season I love to spend as much time outside as possible. IG AHoppyHome!
Summer is a great time to go through the yarn stash and start putting together fall and winter projects. Here in Austin it’s in the triple digits most of the month of August so I don’t even want to go outside my door much less be cover with a blanket or sweater in progress ?
Outings with family is the best thing about summer for me.. Thank you for the giveaway.. ❤
My favorite thing about summer is the feeling of less pressure, more time to lounge outside and complete wips!
My favorite thing about summer is going to the beach
I love the beach as well! And camping. I love getting away from the city and just sitting around a camp fire doing nothing.
I’m unable to comment, no idea why, so am gegging in on someone’s comment.
I love summer because I get the school holidays off and can sit and crochet the day away, pure bliss xx
I taught school for 42 years and summer was a time for rejuvenation. Now that I’m retired though, every day is summer vacation and I’m loving life. I can give volunteer service as well as working on my projects
My favorite summer time thing?Eating warm tomatoes fresh out of the garden with my toddlers.
Swimming in my pool or long days, I cant decide which I love more!
My favorite thing about summer has been walks on the Riverwalk & seeing how high the river has gotten not a dry summer like last year.
@rolanda.jeffrey on Instagram
My favorite thing about summer is spending a quiet evening sitting around the firepit.
My favourite thing about summer is getting outside and enjoying the beautiful long summer days!!!!!
My favorite thing about summer is bright colors I can use to make Afghans, dish cloths etc. Colors that I wouldn’t use in the fall or w.winter
I love waking up to sunshine and lots of birds in the yard. Summer brings many to our bird baths and I enjoying their singing.
my favourite is being able to crochet outside
My favorite thing about summer is the family BBQs and beach or lake trips. Especially when I can take my yarn too!
Sunshine, flip-flops, and FLOWERS! The colours, the smells and the joy of living!
My favorite thing about summer is no school. Less traffic.
Sitting outside and visiting with my neighbors
I’d have to say my favorite Summer “must do” would be hanging out by the beach with a cool beverage in hand and having so much fun I lose track of time, then watching the sunset on the ocean horizon… Yep, best summer ever!
My favorite thing about summer is the extra time spent with family!
My favorite things about summer are…. Boat rides with my husband…walking into town for coffee with my daughter….. Spending time relaxing on the patio…and so much more. There is no way I can just pick one!!
My favorite thing about summer is the warm weather and sunshine. I just love sunshine!
Days at the beach and lots of ice cream!
My favourite thing about summer is going to all the cool Patios around the City!
Crochet all day outside in the sun in my flower garden and make lovely memories!
I love summer because I get to swim, raft down the river, go to the mosquito serenaded every Wednesday it music in the park with many different bands, hundreds from our town go, then we have movies in the park where a different movie play s each week, we have food trucks , snow cones, drinks, kettle corn so much fun! I also love to garden
Longer days…I hate that it’s dark when I wake up and it gets dark so early in the winter.
This is wonderful, thank you so much! My favorite thing about summer is the long days….I adore the fact that it doesn’t get truly dark until after 9pm here in the midwest!
I am subscribed to your email list with the email (love your August blog hop, by the way!) , and I follow you on Instagram with the handle @debordstudios.
Love your work, and so excited for this giveaway! Thanks again!
My favorite thing about summer is that it is one season away from fall, which means hoodies, apple cider and pretty leaves.
I love swimming and soaking in the sun!
My favorite thing about summer is swimming! I’m already signed up for your newsletter.
My favorite thing about summer is not having to drive my son to/from school!
God’s blessing of warmth after the cold. Everything comes to life again and we get the best fruits. Lovely long days to revel in and get more done. Many thanks to the Almighty for this beautiful season.
I’m not really a summer fan, I live in Arizona and it’s way to hot, I’m more of a winter person
Air conditioning. I’m not much of a sunshine and heat person, so I like to cuddle up next to the AC when it’s hot out , haha.
LOL!!! I love this answer!
My favorite thing about summer is my daughter is home and sunshine!
My favorite thing about summer is camping!
My favorite thing about summer is Sunset Zoofari at the Milwaukee County zoo. The zoo normally closes by 4:00 or 5:00 but our zoo has fun event nights for members all summer long.
My favorite thing is the nice warm weather
All the garden fresh tomatoes! And sweet corn, too.
My favorite thing about summer is fishing in mountain streams.
My Instagram is lynn.hardy.
The best thing about summer is the heat, new projects, and Summer CAL’s you allow us to do
My Instagram is @1grammad
And thank you Breann for all your amazing patterns
My favorite thing about summer is all the in season fruit. I’m not keen on heat but give me all the melons!
Subscribed already and following on insta! @jourdanerica
Summer is the best cause of camping with my family
I love being able to go outside and work in my yard and with my flowers.
My favorite thing about summer is camping and fishing with my 5 kids. And making Christmas presents for everyone.
I love being able to wear flip flops all the time!
My favorite thing about summer is the long days!
My favorite thing about summer is the warm weather, fresh local fruit and vegetables and farmers markets. I love summer!
Summer is the best because you can go to the beach or sit by the pool and let the sun warm you to the core.
My favorite part of summer is being outside in the sunshine, especially crabbing or fishing at the beach. We do this all year but so much nicer when its warm and dry!
Summer is definitely for gardening!
My favorite things about this summer is watching my Chessie pup play in the sprinkler, and looking forward to seeing an actual “fall” this year!!
I love summers! I love working in my gardening and enjoy BBQing in the backyard with friends and family.
I follow your blog and on Instagram under cynthia_atkinson
My favorite thing is camping!
Sundresses and swimming.
I can see more of my grandkids in the summer!
I love all summer related activities!
My favorite thing about summer is vacations! Being able to spend time with family, exploring new places and traveling…yeah, that’s the best. I have signed up already for the newsletter under
Thanks! Have a happy rest of the summer!
Summertime is the best here in Northern New England, the winters are long! I can always use some new yarn! Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in the clean-out/up of your stash!! ??
I love summer because I love kids being out of school and enjoying swimming, bike riding and when it rains if they are around you can teach them to crochet or knit! Just love fun in the sun and getting into the yarn when it rains!
My birthday! And that’s today 🙂
Happy birthday Ineke.
Hapy Birthday! Mine is coming up, and I love having a summer biirthday.
My favorite thing about summer is not having to wear coats and snow boots!
Playing with my 3 granddaughters in their pool and running around with them.
I get your emails using the email in the reply and follow on Instagram: cindyleebeynon
I have to say I’m not a summer person. But I have to admit I do enjoy the greening up an flowering of all the plants and trees around me!`
I love icecream and summer days are made with it. Just remembering when the old icecream truck would come around where we lived in Montreal, great memories. Also going to the beach with the family in tow, beachballs,sand castle makers and flipflops. My girls always enjoyed summer at the beach. The third is having a campfire out . <3
My favorite thing about summer is the heat! And making bags, purses, smaller projects! And using cotton/ cotton blends.
My favorite thing about summer is fresh vegetables from the garden!
My favorite thing about summer is going to the farmer’s market for fresh produce! There’s nothing better!
Gardening and enjoying nature.
I love the fresh mornings and nights. I love how the wind smell. I love wake up in the mornings with the birds singing . And if I could get the beach it is great!
Summer means more light and warmth from the sun! Everything is alive and thriving! Green is my favorite color and there is lots of green everywhere. People are happy for vacations, activities outside and just enjoying life.
I’m subscribed already
I love to sit on the beach and crochet my Christmas gifts!
My favorite thing about summer is no coats or jackets.
My absolute favorite thing about summer is books, I usually have extra time to read and catch up on the books I always meant to read when I was younger.
The best thing about the summer?
The feeling of warm sunshine on my face, water fights in the garden, being barefoot on the lawn and long, cool sunsets before bedtime!
i love the warm weather in summer.
A nice cold beer on a hot day! I’m from Arizona. I already subscribe to your email list and follow you on IG: dol.rghkr
Lots of fresh air and sunshine!
One of the things I love about summer is the long day with natural like to crochet. I love sitting on my deck and crocheting. Just started back crocheting after many years and found that age has affected my vision, so natural light is very beneficial. I am subscribed and my email is, thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite thing about Summer…hmm. I can’t think of anything. I prefer fall and winter and colder temperatures. That’s not easy here in Florida!!
My favorite thing about summer is the chance to go on camping trips with my honey or our extended family. Camping means I get to knit by the fire or by a lake – so relaxing!
I love being on the lake or ocean in a kayak or on the top of a mountain in Acadia National Park. Nothing like going from a hiking trail with the pups to a beach someplace.
I am registered with and I had to look up my Instagram account information which is simply brandy.marchetti.
Thank you for the opportunity!!
Seeing my babies (grown) come in to see us from the various states where they are at school. 🙂
I love growing flowers and veggies in my garden in the summer
I follow you on Instagram @pudgy3.14
And I subscribed to your newsletter
My favorite thing about summer is that all is alive around me. I can sit on the porch on a hot breezy day and not have a care in the world. I love summer. It is my favorite season followed by fall. Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway.
My favorite thing about summer is all the knitting, crocheting and spinning I get to do outside on the front porch! Flowers, sunshine, fresh air…and a cocktail with my hubby!
My favorite thing about summer is gardening!
My favorite thing about summer is camping with my daughter and her family.
My favorite thing about summer is getting to ride the horses with my kiddos in the evenings when it has cooled off and seeing them so happy making dirt angels in the arena. 🙂 Watching my pumpkin vine grow like crazy and the smell of a summer rain shower.
I’m already subscribed at
And my Insta UN is cpgreen7
My fave thing about summer is everythinh6. Flowers bees sun bbqs with family and friends and all the grandchildren enjoying playing in the paddling pool. Summer is a happy time all round
My favorite thing about summer is all the free time, sleeping in, and relaxing. Time isn’t spent bringing and picking up kids from school.
My favorite thing about summer is no school, so there’s more time to spend with my kids!
My favorite thing THIS summer is learning all the new stitches and how to do hats! (never had before). Overall I like being home w/my kiddos- even tho they’re all teens and have cooler things to do than hang out with mom!! 🙂
The best part about summer is all the stone fruit that we have around us! Peaches, nectarines, plums, mmm Goodness so good!!!
I love the fresh mornings and nights. I love how the wind smell. I love wake up in the mornings with the birds singing . And if I could get the beach it is great!
My favorite thing about summer is sitting on my deck and knitting and crocheting while listening to and watching the birds. Looking at my flowers and listening to the sounds of summer.
My favorite thing about summer is all the fresh fruit, especially watermelon.
Wearing shorts and flip flops….tank tops…. and crochet beach cover up ofcourse?? subscribed to email and Instagram. and Claudiawalker9023 (Instagram)
Thank you for this giveaway !
My favorite thing in summer : enjoying my garden ! ^^
email : azylis13(at)
instagram : unerobecouleurdelune
My favorite thing of summer is having my kids home, and being able to enjoy them daily
My favourite thing about summer, is being able to spend more time with my daughter. She works hard at college, so when she finished for the break, its nice that we can do things together.
I love summer cause it is much nicer out and you are able to do more things outside. Wear less clothes cause I am not happy in the cold.
My favorite thing about summer is long days and warm evenings out on the deck!
My favorite part about summer is being able to turn off my alarm. No kids to get up for school or lunches to pack.
Already signed up for the email and follow on IG!! IG username is 5littlepumpkinscrochet.
Hi! My favorite thing about summer is having a garden and growing my own vegetables, and listening to the sounds of summer, like the crickets and birds. So precious. Thank you for the giveaway and for all you do for us.
In the summer when its hot out I will either sit in the shade, or in my craft room with my favorite yarn for summertime, Lion Brand 24/7 cotton and crochet something light and easy.
My favorite thing about summer is feeling the warmth on my skin. I live in the North East and summer is something I look forward to.
Farmers markets, homemade ice cream, grilling ❤️❤️❤️
Barbeques with family and friends.
My Favorite thing about summer is my birthday! I prefer hunting season in the cold and Christmas to the heat but summer means no work for me since I work for a school.
I follow you on everything lol my IG is: @ghuante2008
My email is:
I love the slower pace of life in the summer!
best part about summer is the long days & time by the pool! 🙂
i love the long days. They make me able to do more knitting, crocheting and beading.
I love the flowers and all of the new life. It inspires me to try different color combinations that I see in nature.
My fav thing about summer is making your boho tops for my nieces while watching my sweet peas grow I’m off with a broken foot and although hate not working loads of knitting and crocheting time
My favorite thing about summer is riding motorcycle with my husband.
My favorite thing about summer is the long days, when the sun doesnt`t go down.
My favorite thing about summer is longer daylight hours! More time to do the necessary things and then crochet!!!!!
I’ve been having trouble posting comments…….user error…….duh. But I think I’ve figured it out! (Finally).
It is “summer” here in South Texas about 75% of the year…..and that is what I love most! I’m a “let the sunshine in all day” kind of gal. I love the light and the long days. Oh and I like being warm!
My favourite thing about summer is the fresh local fruits and vegetables that are available.
My favorite thing about summer is taking a few days off to visit Galveston beach and soak up the sun!! I do subscribe to both email updates and follow you on instagram.
My favorite thing about summer is the beach….but it also means closer to the fall
My favorite thing about Summer is that I get to spend time with my kids and we try to do as many fun things that they like because they are growing up so fast.
the air conditioning, would rather have fall or winter
It is a little hard to decide! I love getting the break from school to visit family (mine and my boyfriend’s) back home. But I also love that campus is so much more chill in the summer, and my work days get to be so much more flexible.
I enjoy the long summer day’s, with baby birds chirping the excitement of each new morning, along with the playful songs of so many wild birds who are enjoying this day. The butterflies and bumble bee fleeting from flower to flower doing their job of pollination. The crickets in the evening saying goodnight to us, along with their notice to relax and have a good sleep.
My favorite thing about summer is the sunshine and warmth. Winter in Wisconsin is not fun.
My favorite part about summer is the heat And the sun staying around longer lol.We do many family cookouts at my aunties house and being around all of my family often makes my heart happy
I’m subscribed to your email and I’m about to follow you on Instagram
My favorite thing about summer are the longer days.
My favorite thing about summer is spending time outside with the family, bbq and bonfires!
What I love about summer is not getting the kids up and ready to go to school in the morning! And no packing lunches! And no homework to harp about! ?
Warm weather, flowers blooming
Summer is tough here in Phoenix Az, and I do find that I am slower at my crochet projects…but I do love 1. The great new light weight cotton blend yarns!
2. That you can wear LESS clothes, LOL….
3. Ice cold beer after a 2-3 mile run!
I do subscribe to your blog:
And follow you on Instagram: limemargarita
How does one register?
favourite part of summer is being able to wear shorts and tank tops to worship the sun and the tank tops to crochet.
My favorite thing about summer is having more time to spend with my 5 grandchildren. I subscribe to your email list( & just started following you on Instagram(littleetsmom)
Since we’re more relaxed during summer, my favorite thing is visiting a new-to-us restaurant after doing some type of activity with my husband. So, buying fruit & fish at the farmers market, or dropping by the library book sale, or hearing a free outdoor concert at the local theatre. Nothing fancy yet always a good time.
My favorite thing about summer is having a break from the busyness of the school year, including going to multiple things during the week. The relaxed pace is such a nice change. And having time with my children, enjoying the outdoors and doing fun activities together, and of course, a bit of crocheting or knitting!
My Favorite thing about summer is my Birthday, July 22nd and it’s summer!? I already subscribe to your newsletter and I already follow you on IG username is @drknluvli
My favorite thing about summer is when it ends. I prefer fall, lol!
my favorite thing about summer is getting outside more often.
Be able to go outside and enjoy the fresh air
My favorite thing about summer is definitely the beach with my family. We usually go up North to Bethany Beach. It’s our favorite. And there is a yarn store there I love to visit called Sea Needles. The woman that work there are so sweet. I love talking with them about my yarn addiction.
…also I follow you on ig my handle is @auntie_e_crafts
Being in Phoenix AZ, my crocheting slows down, but….I do LOVE
1. The cotton blend yarns
2. Being able to wear less clothes! Almost mandatory and excused here LOL!
3. An ice cold beer after a 2-3 mile run!
I already subscribe to your blog:
and I do follow you on Instagram: limemargarita
My favorite thing about summer is spending quality time with my family, going to the park, grandchildren splashing in the swimming pool, taking evening walks, movie nights and hearing the house filled with family laughter!
My favorite thing about summer is spending quality time with my family, going to the park, grandchildren splashing in the swimming pool, taking evening walks, movie nights and hearing the house filled with family laughter!
I’m following you on instagram! @larrynlisa_castro
I guess my favorite part about summer is there is no snow. I love not being cold and chilled to the bone like I am in the winter. Also I love being able to be outdoors more and try to garden something other than weeds. Unfortunately, the weeds usually win out.
I love the warm summer nights and the beautiful fireflies in our yard!
Having the windows open and fresh air in the house. Going for a walk after dinner.
My favorite things about summer is that I can sit outside on the patio with all my books to study and my yarn to relax. And I get extra time to myself as I don’t have to get the kids up in the morning!
* I am already registered!
* IG @sylvie_og_the_trees
My favorite thing about summer is the weather! It’s perfect to do all the outdoorsy things they hubby and I love! I subscribe To your emails (tiffanydavis2@yahoo) and I already Follow you on IG (pxisxn_girl). ❤️?❤️?
My favorite thing about summer is sunshine and color.
My favorite things about summer are getting my houseplants ou of the house, and planting some colorful annuals as well as herbs!
My favourite thing about summer is the lack of snow 🙂
My favorite thing about summer is air conditioning!
Warm weather, sunshine!!, walking in bare feet, and no extra layers!!!!! I LOVE summer!!!
I enjoy the longer days and swimming!! Just love to be in water when it’s hot outside, and there’s been a LOT of that this summer 🙂
My favorite thing about summer is the bright sunny sunshine, the warmth that radiates to even a rainy day, the life that grows within all things green & the hope that is inspires within us all as we make serotonin & find our happy place!! ????☀???????????????????????????? ? LIFE!
I love taking all of my crochet projects out into the fresh air of my front porch!
My favorite thing about summer is that the sun sets later in the day. More hours of sunshine!
My favorite thing about summer is being able to get out and hike, travel and enjoy the outdoors
My favorite thing about summer is the extra down time (school teacher, here)!
I love the long days., IG: Jdm3rf
My favorite thing about summer is going fishing!
My favorite thing about summer is being able to spend long days with my kiddos doing a ton of things we don’t get to do during school. Like taking long walks, taking long trips to visit family and teaching them new things like gardening.
We live in Arizona and it’s soooo hot. Gives us a reason to have ice cream and use the pool daily. I already a subscriber. Love you craftiness!
I live on the water, so that’s why I love summer. I can be out in our boat, either enjoying the sunshine or crocheting.
My favorite thing about summer is the feeling of less pressure, more time to lounge outside and complete wips!
What I love the most about summer, is air conditioning ???
IG: sarapena20
I love, love the flowers we have here on the West Coast. I am so blessed to be living here!
My favorite thing about Summer is swimming and ice cream.
My favorite thing about summer is the time that I get to spend with family
My favorite thing to do in the summer is sip some wine by the pool after a long day of work
My favorite things to do in the summer are taking care of my garden, fishing with my Daughter and her family, and when it is too hot outside, sitting inside crocheting what ever comes to mind.
Favorite thing about summer- swimming in the river without a care in the world.
Already subscribed
Love having my kids and now grandkids home, the freedom from schedules, school, homework and bedtimes.
My favorite thing about summer is COMPANY! Love to share summer fun w/family & friends! Bring them on!
My favorite thing about summer is air conditioning ? I’m not much for sun and heat. I am a subscriber and an instagram follower nonniezagamer
My favorite thing about summer is grandchildrens’ visits. One or two at a time get to come to grandpa & grandma’s house for several days – a week for some individual time and activities.
My favorite thing about summer: the kids are on break and I can sleep in an hour and not have to sit in the dreaded pickup line.
My favorite thing about summer is being able to run outside in the early morning and have it be light out! Even though it is short lived, those early morning, sunrise miles are the best!
I am a subscriber:
My instagram handle is @kubatk602.
Turn up the air and knit, knit, knit!!
My favorite thing about summer is being able to go swimming and to spend time with my children (doing different activities with them)
My favorite thing about summer is no snow, sunshine, nature.
My favorite thing about summer is camping. I love camping . Always take a yarn project to do or 2 or 3. ?
My favourite thing about summer is the children being off school. I love them being home all day ❤️????
My favorite thing about summer is that it leads you gently into fall and all the wonderful crochet colors and patterns !!
My favorite thing about summer is getting to do a lot of outdoor activities.
I’m a cold weather girl, but my favorite part about the summer is being able to sit out at night. I love to watch the stars.
Favorite thing? Iced teas/fruit drinks/ ice cream floats!!!! And, of course, air conditioning!
My favorite thing about summer is NO COLD,I hate everything about winter
My favorite thing about summer is all of the wildflowers! My outdoor hobby is wildlife and nature photography and I love seeing all of the colorful blooms!
The email I used for the newsletter is the one attached to this comment and my IG username is @_lydia_marie
My favorite thing about summer is all the fresh fruit and vegetables we can get.
My favorite thing about summer is grilling out on our deck and making s’mores with my family. Also I like to hang out in my craft studio and crochet. You can never have too much yarn!!
I am a subscriber, my email address is I follow you on Instagram. My Instagram user name is Shannonbennett2774.
Summer fruits and veggies are what is best, well that and more daylight to stitch with!
I get to spend more time with my grandsons. We all go on vacation together down the shore and spend a lot of time together. For some reason I crochet more amigurumi in the summer that I give to the kids and they love them.
My favorite thing about summer is not having to get the kids up and ready for school, morning is much more peaceful in the summer!!
I do taxes during the winter months ..summertime gives me a lot more time to crochet
My favorite thing about summer is staying inside and crocheting…I really don’t like the heat in Texas, so staying inside is optimally the best part of summer for me….. ?
My favorite things about summer are corn on the cob and watermelon!
my favorite thing about summer is sitting outside in evening watching life as people take walks and kids play
My favorite thing about summer…beach vacation…planting flowers…wearing flip flops!
knitting with cotton in air conditioning.
My favourite thing about summer is the long days. More time to crochet with natural light
My favorite thing about summer is seeing my granddaughters!
(already subscribed)
Following on Instagram as: aislynmyst
Thank you very much for your patterns!
My favorite thing about summer is doing absolutely everything outside!!!
My favorite thing about summer is that it is watermelon season.
The best thing about Summer is not having to wear hot shoes. Barefoot is best.
The favorite thing I love about summer is family picnics, grilling & it is the season before my favorite season Fall.
My favorite thing about summer is the warmer weather! Love the sunshine!! I do subscribe already: sorry, I’m not on Instagram.
Having a good excuse for a cold soda or ice tea.
My favorite thing about summer is the lighting bugs and ice cream 🙂
I love the rainy weather ?
My favourite thing about summer is being WARM!!! I hate the cold and I live in Canada lol. I don’t use air conditioning very often. I love having all my windows open and the warm breeze blowing through!
My favorite thing about summer is NOT having to set an alarm for the next morning (most days)!!! I already subscribe to email list.
My favorite part of summer is the amount of sunlight every day.
My favorite thing about summer? Never having to turn on my oven! I love eating salads, cold dishes, and BBQ.
I love summer! My favorite thing to do is being able to go visit my family that lives far away.
Wearing shorts and sandals every day in summer!
I enjoy the nice dry heat of the desert southwest where I live. I don’t care for humid climates after living in the desert for over 48 years!
I love being at the beach with my grandkids!
I love summer’s long sunny days and the casual way of life!!
My favorite thing about summer is fresh picked veggies from the garden. YUM!
My favorite thing about summer is taking a break from work and spending the summer with my kids. Trying new things, going new places & eat at new places.
Crocheting anytime keeps me sane. I crochet more in the summer because I have to be indoors from the heat due to health issues.
My favorite thing about summer is sun! In the PNW we have lots of cloudy days so it’s great when the big yellow orb is visible in the sky!
My favorite thing about summer is going camping and spending quality, stress free time with the family. Thank you for the giveaway!
Fruit, veggies and family bbq’s.
My favorite thing about summer is the extra hours of daylight and sunshine! 🙂
ice cream and iced tea on those hot days
Love your talent and inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
My favorite thing about summer is working in my garden and getting me some sunshine D!
My favorite thing about summer is. My kids are home. From school
My favorite thing about summer is … air conditioning!!! It’s HOT in the California desert!!
My favorite thing about summer is staying in under the air conditioning. I am a fluffy person so me and the heat don’t get along very well ?. Thank you for the giveaway!!!
The good thing about summer is that I have more time to crochet, read books, run and play with my kids.
My favorite thing about summer is the warmth and sunshine. Planting tomatoes and getting fresh fruit.
Being off with my kids is my favorite thing about summer
I love watching my plants flourish and pick items for solar/natural yarn dyeing. I only take a little bit and leave the rest for the critters.
My favorite thing about summer is the warm sun on my skin at 7:30 in the morning. Going to the beach and crocheting outside.
My email for the email list is:
Outdoor concerts and outdoor movies with family and friends… sans mosquitoes, please.
My favorite thing to do is do more crocheting with cotton,,, its kinda seasonal to me, 🙂
This summer is a little different. Normally, I spend the summer romping with grandsons or riding my horses however, this summer I broke my leg in a riding accident so I am housebound. I actually think I may be able to catch up on crochet, quilting, reading, and watching those shows I’ve recorded!
Love the sun…not the humidity…all the fresh fruit and veggies…and did I mention the SUN!?
My favourite thing about summer is that I can crochet more each day. I love to sit at my small patio with my succulents and cacti and my yarns and hooks. Thanks for the chance! Love peace and lots of crochet My IG account is gabriela_entrelanas
My favorite thing about summer is all the fresh veggies and fruits and pretty flowers.
My favorite thing about summer is all the fresh veggies and fruits and pretty flowers. My IG account is nancymoondavis.
Our waterfall and pond, which only works in the Summer/late Spring/ early Fall, is just so wonderful for crocheting.
I love the haze of summer. I love the ripple in the heat. I love the pop-up showers. I love the feeling of always being warm. I am subscribed to your email and I follow you on IG.
My favorite thing about summer are the flowers! I love color and a variety of it!
Hello <3
I'm Roberta Hawkins.
You have my email as:
I have made a few items you posted. I'm not much into show n tell.
Bless you for all your wonderful patterns.
My favourite thing about summer is Hiking! I’m Australian but have been lucky enough to spend the last 5 summers in SE Alaska and the Yukon, and the mountains and scenery still blow me away every day! 🙂
I follow you on insta as @Shann_e22
My favorite thing is going to the farmers market to get fresh veggies.
Sleeping late/no school!
My favorite thing about summer is when it’s over!!
My favorite thing about summer is fresh vegetables and fruits from my garden and swimming. I love the pool!
I follow you on Instagram as bishopreginar
In the summer I enjoy my beautiful flower beds and enjoy sitting out in the evening with a crochet project in my lap and watching the sunset. It’s a very calming moment. I’d be very excited to win some paintbox yarn or any other DK yarn. Really enjoy you giveaways! Thanks so much for offering them to all of us.
My favorite part about summer are the long days. The natural daylight lasting for hours keeps me so peaceful.
My email on the email list is eagrob@gmail
I follow you on insta with emmag_14
My favorite thing about summer is spending more time with my family.
I love getting to spend so much time with the kids, going on hikes, to the pool, festivals, and outdoor movies! Thanks for your generosity!
Spending time outside with my daughter.
My favorite thing about summer is the warm weather. Love it!
Oh and I follow you in IG as darlingdapperco and I’m a newsletter subscriber as
The summer rain, the sunshine and warmth, all of nature around, in its fullness. That began during spring.
My favorite thing about summer is the extended daylight hours.
I enjoy the longer days of light for crocheting in natural light. You have my email address. I don’t do Instagram. Any yarn is good for me I like trying new yarns and have no favorites. Have participated in your CAL for past 2 years and enjoy the patterns. Your CAL was my introduction to making beanies/hats. Want to Thank You for all the free patterns you supply to the crochet community.
Excited about the giveaway!!
Awesome, love new yarn
I like all the hours of daylight and beautiful blue skies
I LOVE not having to bring heavy winter jackets, boots, scarves, etc…. with everytime I leave the house. I love the freedom of just jumping in the car and taking off or walking someplace.
I love swimming in the summer, hot summer nights, and the smell of night-blooming jasmine.
My favorite thing about summer is sleeping with the windows open and hearing the birds chatter in the early morning!!
My favorite things about summer are the smell of freshly cut grass, and ripe tomatoes. Tomatoes in the winter have no flavor. Yay for real, fresh, homegrown tomatoes!!!!!
I can sit out in the front yard on my yard swing with my iced tea, my crochet project, and listen to the birds or watch them at the feeders and I am a very happy girl.
My favorite thing about summer is getting to see more of my great granddaughters…I love spending time with them.
My favorite thing about summer?
Lots of things come to mind… But I have to choose only one???
I’d say: Warmth!
I thoroughly enjoy the warmth and long days when I can walk around town barefoot on the warm long days, or sit on the terrace knitting/crocheting while my kids play in the garden (sandbox or watersquirt game).
subscribed to newsletter on:
I have no instagram.
monsoon rains in the desert southwest!
The heat! And my family visits me
I live in Texas so my favorite part of summer is staying in the air conditioning and working on my projects. I also love taking my grand children to the pool
My favorite thing about summer, other then being able to spend more time with my kids, is fall is almost here! The cooler weather is highly anticipated; it’s way to hot in the summers 100+ on most summer days.
My favourite thing about summer is the warm evenings.
My favorite things about summer is the birds singing,the green grass,the blue skies, and the flowers. I all ready follow you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. I have subscribed to you crochet patterns. I love you blog
Wow, took a long time to find this box. Summer fav would be road trips. Even if it’s just to the next town it’s still open road, cold drinks and loud tunes.
I like eating cool watermelon or other melons during the hot days.
Honestly nothing comes to mind! Flowers?!?
Oh summer is my favourite time of all, living in north eastern Ontario our winters are long and cold and so summer brings colour in variety of beauitful plants, and birds and you can go swimming and camping. its warm, Sunsets are gorgeous. Swimming in the lake, enjoying the water ways with the beauiful waterfalls. There is nothing better than summer.
opps forgot to give instagram name @northern_town_girl_crochets
Spending extra time with my grandkids and all the adventures we go on during the summer.
My favorite thing about summer is no more making school lunches and traveling with my family to visit friends and family.
I love the sun, summer! Bright cheery, glorious colors to see. So many things to do! Ahhh yarn sales, beckoning me , for the most indoors.
Got my Crojo back, so it goes with me, or waits till evening.
The warm! I am all about the warm!
My favourite thing about summer is being able to plant my organic vegetable gardens and harvest all the beautiful, flavourful veggies I grow.
Warmth, sunshine, flowers, camping, gardening!!