Hi there! Thank you for your interest in joining my Stitch Sampler Scrapghan Crochet Along 2020!

The crochet along has ended. You can find each separate part linked below for free on my blog or purchase the pattern for the entire scrapghan as an ad-free, printable PDF in my Etsy Shop or Ravelry Shop.
What is a crochet along (CAL)?
A crochet along is when a pattern is broken up into parts and a groups works on each section at the same time. It’s fun because you can share your progress with each other and ask questions!
I like to do things pretty casual for a crochet along. There is no “signing up” to join, you simply follow along with the pattern as the different sections get posted! The best way to stay updated on release dates and things is to join my FACEBOOK GROUP and/or SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER.
Here are the details–
– We will start on Friday, January 10th.
– The CAL will last 13 weeks and will end on Friday, April 3rd.
– Each week a few rows of the pattern will be released with a new stitch. There are 12 stitches total. The last week is the border.
– Each week there will be a brand new post on my blog with that weeks’ rows. There will be a PDF available to download on my blog each week for the duration of the CAL. After it’s over, the free PDF’s will be taken down and moved to my shops. So even if you get behind, make sure to get the printable every week! 🙂
– The stitches are mostly beginner and intermediate level. There will be photo tutorials and/or video tutorials for the more difficult stitches. (not for every stitch though 😉 )
– Materials: worsted weight yarn & J/6.0 mm hook
– I used a J/6.0 mm hook for the entire blanket. Some of the stitches are tighter or looser than others and you can change your hook size to account for this. I will add this information to the ‘Pattern Notes’ section for the weeks you might want to adjust your hook size.
– Approx. finished size (including border): 40″ X 48″
– The finished blanket is a lapghan size. If you would like to change the finished size, a multiple number that your starting row needs to be will be provided. If you change the number of stitches (even if it’s the correct multiple) you still might need to adjust a few of the stitches to make them work. Most of the stitches will be fine. The change the height of the blanket, add 2 or 4 rows to each week. If you add rows it needs to be an even number of rows. This will ensure that all of the stitches that have a front and back are on the correct side.
– It’s the perfect project for scrap yarn, but you don’t have to use scrap yarn (I didn’t 😉 )
– There will be a new post for each week, but I will also link each week at the bottom of this post. You can save this post on Pinterest or Ravelry!
– PIN this post for later HERE
– Add to your Ravelry Queue HERE
Be sure to join my Facebook group HERE for the lastest details, to ask questions, share your work, and talk with fellow crocheters!
1/10/20: Part 1 – Granny Spike Stitch
1/17/20: Part 2 – Pebble Stitch
1/24/20: Part 3 – Herringbone Double Crochet Stitch
1/31/20: Part 4 – Bead Stitch
2/7/20: Part 5 – Lemon Peel Stitch
2/14/20: Part 6 – Spike Stitch
2/21/20: Part 7 – Butterfly Stitch
2/28/20: Part 8 – Waffle Stitch
3/6/18: Part 9 – Extended Single Crochet
3/13/20: Part 10 – Celtic Weave Stitch
3/20/20: Part 11 – Star Stitch
3/28/20: Part 12 – Cluster V Stitch
4/3/20: Part 13 – Border

Thanks will be using all my leftover wool
I’m in
I m in
Thank you so much. I just downloaded all 13 parts. I joined late and am a full-time RN so I’m not able to work on it as fast! Again, thank you.
I thank you for the pdf up to CAL day 7. Where do I find the rest. You gave me the link to start but can’t find the other pdf to get caught up with you.
They’re all linked on this post
Do you need to pay something by credit card to join this?
No, it’s free to join 🙂
I hello I’m.Annieika
I’m in Australia. So when does this cal start and where and when do I get notified of the pattern to start and to go and purchase my wool for the entire project
Cheers Annieika
It started 1/10/20 at 6AM MST. You can sign up for my newsletter or join my Facebook group for the most up to date posts 🙂
What time will it be Released ?
I would like to do this blanket; however, I would like it to fit a FULL-SIZE bed.
What changes would I have to make?
I have some catching up to do. I just found this post.
Hi! The starting ch needs to be a mult of 12 + 2 🙂
This is a must do for me!
Join the group toooo ??
Starting right now! X
I am going to make this one after the 2021 CAL since I just recently found you. Both are so beautiful and fun looking. Thanks.
Sounds good to me. I joined your Facebook group and already get your newletter. LOVE your patterns.
Yay! I’ve been looking for one of these!!
Do you know the total yardage needed if we want to use just one color so we can purchase the correct amount?
I can’t wait for this one!
Need pattern please
cant wait!
Hi, Breann, I still haven’t able to download the pattern for part 8 of the 2020 scrapghan. I can access it on FB, but the link to the pattern seems to be broken. I’ve tried numerous times. It doesn’t show on your blog, which only displays up to part 7. Could you please send me a working link to part 8?
Thank you so much! Immediate success!
This sounds fun! I am looking forward to it.
Thank you Breann
Sounds like fun.
Are you planning to do the Cancer beanies again this year? I was able to provide 30 beanies for a cancer center.
Looking forward to this CAL
I’m in. Completed weeks 1 and 2. Can’t wait for the next.
Yay Thanks!
Yay! Thank you!
I‘m in. Started one week ago and learned a lot – everyone of the five previous stiches was new for me and though easy to learn. It‘s such a great present and lots of joy. I admire your work, your tutorials – and you share it for free. Thank you so much!
So beautiful!
Loved your last one and made 3, one for hubby and one for each of my daughters. Can’t wait for this one!
I’m looking forward to doing this.
Love the finished work going to donate to hospice
Looking forward to this CAL!
Love your patterns❣️ I believe we are already connected as I did the last one. Looking forward to it!
Hi Cheryl,
Where can I find the Cal 2019?
I missed it I don’t know where to go and find it. Could you please help Cheryl I would be great full if you could.
Thank you
Here’s the link 🙂 https://www.hookedonhomemadehappiness.com/stitch-sampler-scrapghan-crochet-along/
I bought it on Etsy. That is the easy way to get the whole thing and know where you are going is you can plan colour changed
The scrapghan pattern on Etsy is from last year 🙂
This CAL Lapghan is beautiful! Look forward to learning some new stitches and using up some of my stash. Unless the yarn store beckons me. ??♀️???
Sounds like fun to me!! Can hardly wait to learn some new stitches!! Thank you so very much!!!
LOVE these scrapghans, already made one for my mom from another CAL, so this one will be mine. Can’t wait to see the stitches we will be using.
Can’t wait! My yarn stash is out of control and threatening to take over the house. My new years resolution is to get it under control. This will help I’m sure.
Yay! Looks like there are a few new to me stitches to learn. Can’t wait! Thank you.
This sounds fun! I can’t wait!
Can’t wait sounds fun!
Just put on my request to join the page. I am already on the other facebook page. I’ve been wanting to do a CAL, but I wanted something that would be somewhat challenging, but not too hard and where I didn’t NEED to spend a ton of money on yarn, this sounds perfect and I can’t wait to start!
Just started crocheting so have no yarn scraps yet but love the idea so thought it would be useful to keep and use when I have. Thank you0.
Looking forward to this. Thanks
Can’t wait for the 10th
Very keen to do this cal never done one before, thanks
I’m excited to do this with everyone. I thought the CAL started on Jan 4th, but the instructions say 1/10. Yet today I looked it up and I’ve got all 12 weeks available. I like the idea of all of us working on part one over the same time period. All of us looking forward to the next release. I guess I’ve enjoyed other CALs where we’re doing it as a community. ??♀️
Enough of my whining, I’m looking forward to improve known stitches and learning new ones. Thank you for a beautiful pattern and my future lapghan.
Can’t wait!
I’m in sounds good to me as I have a lot of scraps i need to use
Hi there i have never done a cal before but it looks really interesting, it will be great to learn new stitches as I have taught myself with YouTube videos. I have been a knitter since my kids were young but find it too painful now but really pleased that I can cope with crochet. I’m not sure how the cal will work is it on at a set time and we all crochet together. Thank you in advance looking forward to this.
So Beautiful , I’m in.
Hi!!! I started the CAL but I don’t have a big yarn stash and I don’t have leftovers. I have 3 colors I love but already know I am going to need more than 3 skeins. Can you say how much yarn we need for it? Thanks for everything you do!!! Jeanette
My blanket is approx 850g 🙂
Where is the pattern for the first rows of this CAL? I am new to this and starting one for the first time,
Thank you
Here you go 🙂
The foundation switch is the first row.
Can you tell me how many rows not including the border. I’m using hometown yarn and the yarn is about 3-4 yrs old. I have 6 skeins of two different colors and 3 skeins of four different colors. I have a total of 6 different colors but I’m afraid this won’t be enough to complete the project. Each skein is 5oz but because it’s bulky I’m using about 3/4 of a skein per row. I’m thinking I’ll need to rethink my color repeat. Thank you.
Hi! There are 94 rows total. Some stitches require more yarn than others 🙂
I am looking forward to doing theCAL! It is not my first and am excieted to be apart of this one! Thanks for the invite to do it!
Hello! I just have a quick question, how many rows total, not including the border, will we have when finished?
Reason I’m asking: I wanted to try a temperature blanket this year but was torn about not doing the CAL (won’t have time to make both) so I decided to do my temperature blanket colors within the CAL!
Thank you! And thank you for doing this CAL! The 2019 CAL was my first finished crochet project and I cannot tell you how much it meant to me to be able to learn all of those stitches and make an entire blanket being an absolute beginner! Your patterns are written so well and the tutorials re so helpful! I was so proud to gift that 2019 scrapghan to my grandmother for Christmas as a thank you for introducing me to crochet. She loves it and proudly displays it in her living room! Thank you again!!!
94 🙂
Hi. I’m a little late on starting. How do you start with Cal Afghan.? Does the pt 1 granny st.
Begin the Afghan or is there a base pattern to start? This will be my 1st Cal along and I don’t want to frog it from the get go. ?? any info is welcomed. Thank you so MUCH. Can’t wait to start and use up my scraps! Ty
Hi! Yes, start with Part 1. That will give you the starting ch 🙂
hi , breann i dident realise when the cal started so was late starting i foud the pattern here and love it but this celtic weave is a royal pain 2 days now and watching the tutoriall and dont know if its right and i have been crocheting 50 years this is the first time i have done this and i guess alot of people on the facebook site had problems with tis too. dang il keep tryinng but am beginning to wounder if this stitch is worth it . but do love this blanket so far thankyou