In this video tutorial, How to Change Colors When Crocheting in the Round, I will show you how to join a new color when crocheting a beanie. The full pattern for this beanie will be available here on my blog soon.

I also show how to carry the yarn throughout the project so there aren’t many ends to weave in. And less ends to weave in is always a good things! I am using double crochet in this video, but this method works for any stitch.
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If you’re new to crocheting beanies, I have a pattern with a video tutorial: How to Crochet a Basic Beanie for Beginners HERE

I hope you found this tutorial for changing colors helpful! I will have the full written pattern for this beanie available on my blog soon.

Breann – great tutorial- I wish I had known this when I made my LV Golden Knights beanie.
Thank you!
Err…where is the video/tutorial?!
In the middle of the blog post 🙂
I couldn’t see the video either until I unblocked all the ads. Now it shows up.
Thanks for the video. Can’t wait to see what the next hat looks like. Just finished #2.
Oh, and actually it is tracking sites that I blocked. Unblocking them lets me see the video for some reason.
Iwould love to try Madeline Tosh yarn in sock/fingering weight. Any yarn with alpaca is fabulous too!
Thanks for the contest.